Saturday, March 27, 2010

Friday March 26th (Picton for the morning then Ferry to Wellington)

After a long day of traveling and car failures yesterday, we woke up in Picton to an absolutely gorgeous sun-shining day. Coach Battle treated us all to a team breakfast in the morning, then we had a couple hours to kill before we got aboard the ferry to Wellington.

To pass the time we checked out a local aquarium and chilled out on a local lake front. The weather was perfect and the sky was as blue as ever. We boarded the ferry at 2pm and had about a three hour trip ahead of us. In traveling from South Island to North Island we had to pass through the Sound, which in geographical terms is an area that was cut by glaciers and filled in with ocean water. The scenery was so amazing!

The ferry made it to port at about 6pm where we checked into our hostel and grabbed some dinner. Both the men’s and women’s teams have matches tomorrow, our last full day in New Zealand (sad face). On a bright note though, we are going to see another Super 14 game (Hurricanes  vs. Sharks), and will be going out in Wellington after.

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